7 myths why a blog isn't needed in the discourse core

That’s what I was implying in a discussion Discourse vs Invision. I used to run a blog on WordPress, and I almost hated it mostly because the engine was too overloaded with features stemming from the approach: “let’s build 1000 features, knowing that an average user will employ at most 5%, but at least we’ll be appealing to audiences that span distinct 5% partitions”.


one, okay, I, could argue that it’s precisely WordPress that ruined blogs on the internet. Within few clicks, every author has a SEO optimization plugin which tells you how you should artificially construct your blog so that it’s not too short, not too long, has at least N references to keyword and blah blah blah. And of course which adds a stupid “sign up to my unnecessary newsletter” banner.

Anyway, back to the topic. Part (or maybe that makes up 100%) of what makes Discourse great is the ability of developers to focus on what they deem essential, not trying to accustom all possible niches.

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