Posts need to be focusable in order to properly direct the screen reader to the first post it should be reading. I think that setting tabindex=0 and custom :focus styling is the best way to do this.
Post controls have outline: 0 set, and no custom :focus styles. This removes all focus styling from the buttons. I suggest applying the .d-hover rules to the :focus state.
Activating the … “show more” post action blurs focus; it should focus the first revealed button.
Wrote the comment entirely with my keyboard after I decided that would be a good idea, and found another issue: we need a shortcut to focus the composer textarea. It was extremely annoying to get my focus back in the composer, especially because it’s not where I expected it to be in the taborder.
@riking this looks awesome! It looks like you have a better understanding than I do of how to implement these changes within Discourse, but the gist of these changes look great to me. Let me know if I can help at all!