Accidentially tapping the invisible ai caption button

Using a tablet, it can be difficult to discover that there is a hidden AI caption button. However, since there is no mouseover functionality on a tablet, you can also accidentally trigger the caption generation by tapping the image, because you tap a button you couldn’t see.


Should we show the button unconditionally on “desktop + touchscreen” devices @awesomerobot ?

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hmm yeah tablet is always a little challenging… the hover button seems too large to always show unconditionally, but I can try putting together a smaller always-visible button for touch. Maybe it’s the AI icon-only so it doesn’t take up as much space :thinking:

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Is it possible for the buttons to function only when they are visible? Given their smaller size, it’s less likely but the same issue affects the 100%, 75%, and 50% buttons. You can accidentially click them though you are not aware they exist. If these buttons would work only when visible, you would have to tap the picture first and then the AI caption, size, and other options would appear for you to select.


Yes, I’ve done that here, thanks for reporting it (it doesn’t mention AI, but also includes it)


I’m not able to notice any difference.
I checked the version and used a new incognito window. Did I miss something?
<meta name="generator" content="Discourse 3.3.0.beta1-dev - version 84882ad25fa38c55fb4a6b83940133fd64c06694">

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hmm guess I’ll have to do some more testing, this is on an android tablet?


No hidden buttons anymore :tada:

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Yes thanks for mentioning it, as of this update: on touch devices that use desktop mode (tablets usually) the buttons will be shown unconditionally as they are on mobile:

There’s just not a great way to have hover controls on these devices otherwise.

We can probably further improve these controls when they’re always visible by making them take up less space, but this at least makes it apparent that they’re there and eliminates confusing mis-taps.

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