Add full support for status parameters (noreplies, solved, unsolved) to topic embed iframe

A continuation of this discussion:

I want to be able to embed discussion topics in three contexts, only one of which is already possible:

  1. :white_check_mark: Interesting discussions (this use case is already supported by the existing parameters).
  2. :no_entry_sign: Solved Q&As from our Help topic, embedded at the bottom of pages in our documentation site. Relevance is identified using tags (i.e. the equivalent to Search results for '#help #jinja status:solved' - dbt Community Discourse). doesn’t work because status=solved isn’t respected.
  3. :no_entry_sign: Unanswered Q&As (i.e. the equivalent to Search results for '#help status:noreplies' - dbt Community Discourse). doesn’t work because status=noreplies isn’t respected.
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My feedback on this:

I think this is a nice idea, because it would help users keep track of the embedded post’s status.

Solved questions would furthermore help users from other communities know what is solved and not.

This would help more users answer questions. Why is this useful you might ask? It’s because unanswered questions are looking forward to be anawered. Embedding this would allow users from other communities to answer questions.