Add more language support for AI summaries

Yes, or allow for the initial instruction - now it says “use the first langauge detected” but e.g. if the forum is in Swedish, I would like to be able to instruct the bot in always respond in swedish.


We recently installed the plugin on our site and we love it!
Thanks for creating it :slight_smile:

Our users would really appreciate being able to choose the language of the summary, so +1 to that request.


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Hi Anat,

Yes we are planning to expand summaries fairly soon.

I think it is very legitimate and extremely helpful to match the summary to the language the user has selected for the interface. (if this selection is enabled)

Is your specific use case a multi lingual forum? Or is it allowing users the freedom to consume content in whatever language they want?

We already have summaries working in such a way that they attempt to stick to the language selected in the forum (eg: if forum is English and people post in another language, the summary will still be in English). That said Gemini Pro 1.5 and Flash have been a bit tough to hone in this department.


Hey Sam,

Thanks for your detailed response!

Ideally, allowing users to choose the language of the summary would be awesome, since we have multi-lingual users and they often don’t trust translations models and like to switch languages to compare.

But for now, matching the summary language to the user’s UI would be great -
This issue came up when our users mentioned that they were surprised to get summaries that didn’t match their UI language OR the language of the thread -
The thread was in Spanish and the summary was in Portuguese.

We use Gemini Pro 1.5 so that may explain the issue :slight_smile:

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We will let you know once we add support for N summaries per topic

@keegan is working at the moment on shifting some me of the structures we have out of discourse core back into discourse ai, once we do that we can follow on with allowing multiple summaries depending on interface language

Given it is Gemini pro we might be able to also include images in the summary which will be extra useful for this use case

We are also thinking a fair bit about translation generally

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That’s very exciting, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:
Our community’s here for any feature testing you’re looking to do :wink: