Add picture in table

I need add picture to table. We can?

same sample


It is possible, but requires a little fiddling with the markdown. For example:

normal with theme component
|normal|with theme component|
| ![alttext\|368x500, 50%](upload://hCVdIyePiU7syhJVHn7JFgmYvqH.webp) | ![alttext\|368x500,50%](upload://6qisyXOq8570PSXaXVyMoxduGRV.webp) |

Note that I had to ‘escape’ the pipe character (|) with a backslash inside the image markdown, so that it didn’t break the table.

Alternatively, you can do it 100% in HTML:

Heading 1 Heading 2
  <th>Heading 1</th><th>Heading 2</th>
  <td><img src="" width=200></td>
  <td><img src="" width=200/></td>

Thank you very much

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