Add right sidebar gamification mini-leaderboard

I am trying to display the Right Sidebar Blocks gamification leaderboard using the right sidebar theme in the link below, how can I do this? An example would be appreciated. :pray:

All the instructions you need are in the other topic that you linked to. Have you been through those? If so, let us know where you are getting stuck.

After installing the theme, I want to add three leaderboards.
I do not know exactly what value I should add when adding tags.

Do you already have the gamification plugin running on your site? That is a prerequisite for using that sidebar block.

Yes, I did

Can you share a screenshot of where you are getting stuck?


The name you refer is the name of the block type. You can find a list here:

In your case, you want to enter minimal-gamification-leaderboard

That should display the default (global) leaderboard.

If you created another leaderboard, you must provide the an id. You can see it in the URL when you click on it.


Then, you add the id in the setting:


Global works, but the ‘Leaderboard’ link doesn’t work. Why is that so?

Are you sure the link for the leaderboard is correct? When you open the leaderboard from /admin/plugins/discourse-gamification/leaderboards you can copy the URL. (I would expect it to be leaderboard/2)


I solved them. Thanks

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