Adding to right side bar blocks

Hi all,

I have set up right side bar blocks and have a monthly leaderboard, unfortunately its not matching with my monthly board in gamification as I want to omit admins and team members.

How can this be achieved?

Thanks Joe

Hey @Joe_F

You’re likely going to need to create or recreate a new leaderboard, that is restricted to certain groups (omitting admin/staff/etc) and then use that as the id on the right sidebar block editor.

Thank you, I have created, where would I find the ID for both my new leaderboard and where to input on the right side box?

Thanks Joe

I assume you have access to create new leaderboards so going to /admin/plugins/discourse-gamification/leaderboards from your Discourse instance should show your boards.

Selecting the board will display the id of the board in the URL.

In the Right Sidebar Block component (/admin/customize/components), select Launch Editor from the Theme Settings:

Then configure your block with the name minimal-gamification-leaderboard and in the params section, add the id of the board. There are a few other option available for that block - as you can see here I’ve limited to number of entries show to 5 using the count param.

Wonderful, that worked thanks so much for your help there :slight_smile:

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