'Add user to group through custom field' Automation

Here’s a quick walkthrough of how to set up an Automation using the Add user to group through custom field option to automatically add people to groups depending on the User Custom Field they select at signup (or whenever they fill it out, depending on how you set your user custom field up):

Create the groups:

:information_source: The Automation script uses a group’s Full Name, so make sure you add one. :+1:

Create the User Custom Field:

Create the Automation:

You can pick from two triggers:

  • When a user first logs in - to onboard them into groups at signup
  • Recurring - set it to run on a schedule so people can chop and change

You can then select any of your existing user custom fields from the dropdown:


See them added to the group: :partying_face:

And that should be that. :slight_smile: If you have any questions please ask them below or spin up a new support topic. :+1:


This Automation has now been tweaked to include a dropdown to select your existing User Custom Fields from. :partying_face:

No more rooting around in the user custom field json trying to find an id number, or any awkward typos snarling things up. Just super smooth and friendly UI. :sunglasses: