Adding ‘hot topics’ to the Sidebar

Could you provide a code snippet that allows me to add hot topics to the left sidebar?

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Do you mean a list of individual topics, or a link to the /hot topic view?

The last one is easy, the first one I don’t believe is possible using the left sidebar (if you want it to be dynamic), but you can get a version of it using top-topics in the Right Sidebar Blocks theme component.


Thank you for your quick response. I would like to remove the categories and tags from the left bar. I would like to add hot/popular topic titles instead. Is this possible?

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You can hide the Categories and Tags sections - the Navigation (sidebar) menu display control theme component gets you part-way by hiding them from everyone but staff users, or you could create a custom theme component that hides them from everyone including staff. But there isn’t a way to populate the left sidebar with a ‘hot topics’ section that would list the x hot topics from today/this week. You could create a custom section and manually update it with links to topics, but that is likely going to be a chore to keep on top of.


You are right, thank you for the details about other sidebar settings


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