Adding new content type to discourse

Is it possible to develop a plugin for discourse to add a new content type (e.g. books), this object would have a profile with some information and attributes and users can link their posts to a particular object via tags or an additional field. Users will be able to add new instances (new books) in a crowdsourced way (unlike categories which can be only added by admin)?
Is this a feasible usecase for discourse? Or should I look into another CMS?

To answer your question: yes it’s possible but it’ll require a custom plugin with custom data handling on the front and back end. Depending on where you wanted to display and create this information, complexity would range from fairly trivial (creating its own route to create and display) to quite complex and possibly not advised (use the composer to create and display in topics).

However, is there a reason you need to develop a new data model in the app instead of using a category with category templates?

You could create a Books category and under the category settings modal, you could use the Topic Template section to define the attributes you want filled out.


Thanks Justin for your answer.
Basically I would want to make users able to add their own Books. This isn’t currently not possible for a non-privileged user to add a new category. Also I’d like to have a full page with info, ratings and comments for each Book.