AddThis buttons not reflecting changes to page

I appreciate there is already a sharing option within Discourse posts, however I thought I’d play around a bit with the AddThis sharing buttons ( on my site (see screen shot below) to see if they can promote sharing a little more. Having had a play around I’ve found the buttons fail to recognise changes in URL when the different pages are dynamically loaded.

E.g. I load the home page, then click through to a post, but when clicking on one of the AddThis buttons to share the post they are stuck with the URL of the original page it loaded on (the home page).

Currently I have the javascript code in the section in the customize admin option. Does anyone know a way to make this code to force reload so it shares the correct page when sharing?

These are not compatible with JavaScript apps like Discourse, they are intended for websites.

Yeah, that was the conclusion I was coming to. Thought I’d ask anyway to see if anyone had a trick to make it work! Cheers Jeff.

Is there a work around to this?