Adjusting layout of category pages

I’m probably the king of dumb questions around here so please bare with me.

We have a few sections that need to be “jazzed up”. We have a bonus section with courses, and we have a live event we just wrapped up and we’ve added those to the forum. Everything is so ugly. I noticed that meta.discourse has all of these different designs for different categories and I want to do the same but I have no idea how. How do I do this? A good example is this image below. There’s so much documentation it’s overwhelming and I can’t afford to break anything on our site. Any direction or help would be sincerely appreciated…

Can I do this with our webinar category and are Rebel Capitalist Live category?


You can customise how subcategories are presented in the parent category’s settings. So you navigate to the parent category, click the wrench to edit the settings, open the settings section, scroll to appearance and look for the ‘Show subcategory list above topics in this category’ option. After activating that, you can choose ‘Boxes’ as the Subcategory List Style.

The banner on top is from the Category Banners component


Thank you @Moin Much appreciated. Something I can work with.