AdSense site approval: policy violation. What did you do to get it approved?

I’m wondering whether anyone has recently (eg within the past few months) managed to get their site approved for AdSense ads.

I submitted mine and got declined for the following policy violation reason:

You need to fix some things before using AdSense
We’ve found policy violations on https://myforumurl that are preventing your site from being approved:

  • Dynamic content

Publishers may not place Google ads on pages or apps where dynamic content (e.g. live chats, instant messaging, auto-refreshing comments, etc.) is the primary focus of the page or app.

I can’t really argue that the pages don’t contain dynamic content or that it isn’t the primary focus of the page or app, eh? Unless I wrap the forum inside a Wordpress instance??

Has anyone managed to get approved recently? Or if you had this issue, what did you do to resolve it?

Do you have any third party plugins installed? I’m not aware of any default configured Discourse instances running into this.

Just the discourse-sitemap and discourse-adplugin (currently configured to use amazon (until I get adsense approved)). Think that might be something to do with it?


Mostly I meant third party plugins, we run most of the first party plugins on our hosting.


I’m wondering whether it was because there was some profanity in one of the thread titles (that was the title of a film) so wonder if I got declined for that.

That certainly would not have helped.
If you run Adsense on content that is clearly controlled by third parties, you’re likely to get banned (or not accepted).

Always make sure to moderate heavily if you want to use Adsense on your forum, or you’ll lose your account the first time someone uploads a picture of a nude woman holding a gun and they notice it before you do.


I did the following and was approved only hours after re-applying:

  • Added privacy policy banner
  • Removed any profanities from post topic titles
  • Ensured Privacy/Terms/Contact info was clearly listed in the hamburger menu
  • Pinned a post for first time users asking new users to check the Terms and Privacy policy, and also stating the site was constantly moderated.

Thanks all for the help.


That’s why I sponsored this plugin:

It’s almost ready for production.

One PR still needs to be merged with core for this:

Update soon.