Just upgraded to 1.4.0.beta6 from 1.4.0.beta4 and I’m getting a Javascript error on the admin dashboard page. Everything else seems ok so far.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
at https://www.rad1x.org/assets/admin-145e263dbe66e2709802978d66857301.js:4:22036
at Array.forEach (native)
at https://www.rad1x.org/assets/admin-145e263dbe66e2709802978d66857301.js:4:22004
at b (https://www.rad1x.org/assets/vendor-68a043ffb30ca8b0ef68bf301d9c2efb.js:21:5331)
at y (https://www.rad1x.org/assets/vendor-68a043ffb30ca8b0ef68bf301d9c2efb.js:21:5415)
at g (https://www.rad1x.org/assets/vendor-68a043ffb30ca8b0ef68bf301d9c2efb.js:21:5234)
at https://www.rad1x.org/assets/vendor-68a043ffb30ca8b0ef68bf301d9c2efb.js:15:31812
at r.invoke (https://www.rad1x.org/assets/vendor-68a043ffb30ca8b0ef68bf301d9c2efb.js:9:1715)
at Object.r.flush (https://www.rad1x.org/assets/vendor-68a043ffb30ca8b0ef68bf301d9c2efb.js:9:2238)
at Object.n.flush (https://www.rad1x.org/assets/vendor-68a043ffb30ca8b0ef68bf301d9c2efb.js:9:391)
Did you customize the Post Action buttons? If so, you will need to take a screenshot of them, then click the red X to reset it to the default value, and then arrange them back into the order you want.
The other possibility is a plugin is interfering, so try disabling your plugins to see if it works.
My site just recovered magically.
Could it be that the update changed some format such that the dashboard breaks until the corresponding Sidekiq job updates the data?
I had the same thing happen on two sites when updating to beta6. Dashboard was completely void of information for the first few minutes, then it started working.