After upgrade to 1.4.0.beta4 Admin->Overview is empty

Hello again,

the latest update flush the data. What can i do?

Edit: Restore from old internal discource backup don’t work. The restore is not finishing and results in an error Message like this “;-)”
I restored a backup from digital ocean and then a restore of the internal discource backup. All works fine now . I think this version i will skip :slight_smile:



Do you see anything interesting in /logs? Especially relating to “translation”.

I had this problem too, but i solved with git pull / app rebuild.
Anyway, it’s something strange.

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Sorry riking,

the logs are away because the restore.

I had this problem too. I use Safari on a Mac as my primary browser and it was giving a missing resource or method error in the console if I remember correctly. I decided to try it in Chrome and everything showed up correctly so I went back to Safari and it magically started working. That leads me to believe it was a cached resource either local to the browser or possibly cloudflare since I run my discourse behind cloudflare.

In any event, it seemed to be a caching issue somewhere.

Happening to me too, I’m on Chrome, tried to reload CTRL+F5 but the page is still empy.
EDIT: closed Chrome and restarted, now it shows!

Anyway, independenlty from the update, my logs show a lot of errors, is anyone willing to inspect them and tell me what’s going on?

I have it done again. Other browsers and closing Browsers won’t work. I will wait for a fix or next version.

Is there anything on news to do an saver upgrade?

Not sure, either it is a localization bug specific to your language, or maybe you need to wait a while for the new stats to populate.

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Thanks for this updated stats.

In the meantime i tryed without succes:
git pull
./launcher rebuild app

I love my backups :smile:

I am defintily out of this run and will try to wait.

Update: I’ve installed the docker container from scratch. The new version is now up and runnig. No idea what this previous problem causes. Germany discource languages causes it not.

If you don’t want to wait for the stats to populate, you can go to your.discourse/sidekiq/scheduler and trigger the “Jobs::DashboardStats” job :wink: