Error when updating Discourse to the new version (need urgent support)?

Hello Discourse support team, 1-2 days ago I updated the Discourse version in …/admin/update and then the following errors occurred:

  1. And some other errors in the attached image, even though I have rebuilt on the server and enabled the default theme of Discourse, this error is still there.

I hope to get support to fix this, I am really worried about these errors. Thanks a lot!!!

The first error looks like a translation is missing, which isn’t a show-stopper.
My guess is an errant plugin.

Do you have any non-Discourse plugins installed?

What to you see at /admin/logs ?

I just loaded /categories at your site and don’t get an error. Is it still happening?


Hi Jay Pfaffman, thank you for your support

Here are my website logs: (also because I’m new to Discourse so I don’t know how to look at /logs to find the error I’m having)

I have attached the Plugin I’m using. It’s true that a few days ago I installed 2 more plugins: Stopforumspam vs Calendar.

Currently I don’t have any solution to fix it, please support me. Thank you very much!

Remove stop forum spam


I removed the stop forum spam plugin but the above errors still remain. :worried: @pfaffman


Without being an admin on your site, we can’t view those, could you screenshot the tab perhaps?

Also, are there any errors in the browser console of your site? That could also help narrow down the issue.


Hi @Firepup650

Here is my /logs (image attached)

I also rebuilt and some other errors I posted at the beginning of the article

FKB Pro theme has a setting where you can control the solution appearance in the right panel. If Discourse Solved plugin hasn’t installed on your instance then it should keep disabled. So it won’t appear in fkb panel.


Thanks a lot @Don


If you’re still having an issue with the site rebuilding.

  • Audit Official plugins with their topics here as some may have been merged with core.
  • Remove any official plugins that have been merged. Trying to install them will prevent rebuild.

If still have a rebuild issue. You can check here to see if a 3rdparty plugin is listed as broken or I unmaintained.

Try commenting out any unofficial plugins. After a successful rebuild uncomment 1 plugin at a time and try a rebuild. When the rebuild fails the last plugin added is one of the plugin(s) that is breaking the site.


In addition, when replying using quote, the code error is as shown in the picture.

The [/quote] has to be on its own line.

[quote=“Toan Nguyen, post:12, topic:327071, username:toanvoc”]
replying using quote
[/quote] doesn’t work

[quote="Toan Nguyen, post:12, topic:327071, username:toanvoc"]
replying using quote


In general, it is easier to keep track of your problems if you describe them in separate topics. Then we can mark things that are fixed and it is less likely something gets overlooked


This is a bit too hard to untangle, can you open a bug topic per discrete bug?


I have edited my original post because some errors have been fixed by the community. Currently, I only have these serious errors. If you can support me to answer or fix them, I would be very grateful.

Erorr 1:

Please don’t edit a problem report. It makes the thread difficult to understand and impossible to use as a reference.

Make a new thread for each new problem - it costs nothing!


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