All newly and previously created invitation links are being invalidated after recent changes to the invitation system


We have a set of invitation links that have been invalidated after the recent changes to the core functionality of the invitation system. The expiration date or number of redemptions have not been reached, but they are no longer functioning as expected.

First, after signing up using an invite link that is supposed to redirect to a topic, the new member is not redirected after activating the account. Previously, two things happen after activation, a ‘notify’ notification as well as redirect the new user to the topic post. Additionally, the functionality to add a user to a group no longer works. After signing up, the person is no longer added to the group. (This same bug was fixed before here)

Second, after using the link to sign up, if the same invitation link is clicked again the message will be: “You have already redeemed this invite link.” Okay, that’s understood from the recent changes that a user can’t use the invite link twice; however, all previously created and new invitation links are no longer functioning for existing members. The issue is that the same invitation link which would “work” if used to sign up for a new account in a browser where no user is logged in, will not work for existing members and they will receive an error message: “This invitation cannot be redeemed. Please ask the person who invited you to send you a new invitation.”

These two issues are happening for all new and previously created invitation links with no justification or warning that they will be invalidated for existing members (or stop redirecting new users to topics and adding them to groups.) Yes, new members can join but this too is not complete since they’re not redirected or added to a group. I think this is a bug that’s happening because of the new changes.

I hope we can resolve this asap! Frankly, I understand that maybe an agile approach has been taken to introduce the ‘security’ enforcement on invitation links, but I hoped all these things will be tested thoroughly before being enforced over night. We depend on these invitation links for course participants, and like one of my colleagues said, “And it has an impact on our current courses which is problematic”!!

Thank you!


i have the same issue, waiting for fix

We just fixed this:

Should I go ahead and close this topic?


Hi @sam

Thank you for the fix, and thanks for your question!

If the following issue below have been resolved (using invite link for the first time by an existing member will end up redirecting the user to the relevant topic and add them to a specific group + the same after a new user signs up) then it’s fine, yes, please close the topic!

Thank you! :slight_smile:

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