Amazon AWS EC2 - HTTPS 443 does not work

I have setup the Discourse installation on a Amazon AWS EC2 without Let’s Encrypt.
The docker is listening on port 80 and 443 but I can’t access the site via HTTPS.

HTTP works fine but not HTTPS.


With HTTPS I get the chrome browser error “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED”

I have already allowed 80 and 443 withing Amazon EC2:

I am trying to access the site at the moment via the public IP4: is working but not

Can anybody help?

Https over a port without a certificate? How?

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So this does not work? I tought it is working but I get a warning in the browser that this site is not secure.

Accessing via IP isn’t supported. What certificate are you using to access over 443? Self-signed?


No certificate at the moment.
This was only a test before I point my domain subdomain to the Amazon EC2.

I will create another thread of my main problem because I wanted to test this with Amazon EC2 :wink:

Did you run discourse-setup? Did you enable let’s encrypt there?

It seems you fixed it using a certificate as above link is currently responding.

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I pointed my subdomain now to the IP and rerun the setup with SSL.

After a few hours it is now working.

As I said earlier, IP based installs are wholly unsupported.

Let’s encrypt will work immediately, the certificate verification method is DNS.