An user can not see avatars of people that likes posts

In fact all objects in the endpoint post_action_users response have unknown property set to true (see screenshot).

I’ve incarnated him and can’t find something suspicious in his profile settings. I don’t know if it’s a bug or a side effect of one of his setting.

Problem solved, reading the source code.
Not only muted or ignored users are hidden, but also disallowed_pms_from ones.

My user had both DM setting boxes checked and no user selected in the white list.


By the way, if a user disallow DM from other users he will not see any avatar in the likers list at the bottom of the posts ? It’s a quite unexpected behavior.


It doesn’t seem like the correct behavior to me.

Oddly, when I first tried to reproduce the issue, I had the Discourse Reactions plugin enabled. With the Reactions plugin enabled, users can see the avatars of users who have liked their posts even if the user is not allowed to send them messages. That seems like the correct behavior to me.

With the Reactions plugin disabled, users cannot see the avatar of users who have liked their posts if the user who liked the post is not allowed to send them messages.

I’ll re-categorize this topic to the UX category to see if it’s something the Discourse team want to look into.


Also it’s not only the likes on their posts, but all the likes on all the posts.

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