Android context menu covers up the composer AI helper

I see it a split second before menu by iPhone hides it. And when I tap pasted text to close that menu then icon will disappear too.

But if flip my phone couple times I see it :woozy_face:

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I seeā€¦ Iā€™m not sure what we can do about that tbh. Itā€™s working as intended, such a large menu seems unusual. @keegan What do you think?

We can agree we disagree. Because from my point of view that intended work is bad. I just canā€™t say to iPhone owners that they have to play roulette to use AI helper.

I understand, but itā€™s clearly not all iphone usersā€¦ Iā€™ve never seen that menu myself. Is that a browser setting? Something else?

It is from iPhone 15+ on iOS 17.6.1 and same no matter browser (well, I tried only Safari and the Hub). Just ordinary copy, paste etc.

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K, Im on 17.5 personally. Updating to the latest version to see it in action. Thx

Edit: Nope, still nothing like that on the new version. Tried on hub and safari too.

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I am on iOS 18 and I am able to see it clearly. Seeing the vertical copy/paste menu I assumed it mustā€™ve been set to ā€œlarger accessibility font sizingā€ [1] So I tried setting it to a very large size but I still see it in the bottom right.

So Iā€™m guessing this is a difference in language? or a combination of accessibility text size and language?

Iā€™m not exactly sure where the best position would be for this popup. We canā€™t hijack the OS copy/paste menu, we canā€™t place it over the keyboard. In the case of how it looks on Jakkeā€™s device it looks like there is a little bit of room if we place it on the top because the menu might always open downwards? However, thatā€™s not the case for when it opens like this:

We canā€™t really cover the toolbar buttons because some might be needed while selecting as well.

We might need to wait for OSā€™s to give us access to tap into the native cut/copy/paste menu till we can make this work best for all these specific cases.

  1. *Settings > Accessibility, then select Display & Text Size. ā†©ļøŽ

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Maybe you could add a button to the gear menu of the composer, so when someone has trouble finding the other one they can use the one in the gear menu instead.


Are you in EU? Very far away from the most plausible explanation but isnā€™t Apple using different version of iOS in and outside EU?

Anyway. There isnā€™t too much to do then.

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Yeah Iā€™m in EU, Iphone bought in EU.

Just tried playing with accessibility and large text, which blows up the popup for sure, but still not vertically stacking it.

Yeah sorry :slightly_frowning_face:

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May I use f-word? This one time?

We had here a topic or two of thisā€¦ and you just told you have good eyevision or glasses.

Exactly. I have bigger dynamic font size. When I disabled it I got perhaps more familiar view:

So, Thereā€™s nothing to see here, disperse!

Sorry :man_facepalming:


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