API connections with IPv6

It looks like the library you’re using is attempting connections over both IPv4 and IPv6; that’s good news and means you don’t have the same problem as over here!

Let’s address them separately:

This means that your side set a TCP SYN to attempt the connection to the hosted instance, but didn’t get back a response. That generally means one of:

  • the request didn’t make it to the server
  • the server (or something along the path) deliberately silently dropped it
  • the response didn’t make it back to your machine


it’s likely a problem with the networking setup on your machine.

This means your networking stack said “I can’t get there” and is fine since what you’re using evidently falls back to IPv4.

Looking at everything, I suspect:

  • IPv4 fails from your machine (it’s not clear if this is true, please verify — “it’s able to connect fine” might mean it’s using either IPv4 or IPv6)
  • IPv4 fails from your WSL container
  • IPv6 works from your machine
  • IPv6 fails from your WSL container

Please send a note to @team with your external IPv4 address and we’ll check to see if it’s being deliberately dropped - we do have some badly behaved IP ranges blocked and this will let us rule that out.

If, however, both IPv4 and IPv6 work from your machine but fail from your WSL container, that’s something you’ll need to solve with regards to your WSL setup.