api.modifyClass sometimes(!) not working

Edit: reclassified as bug.
Full repro below.

I’m using api.modifyClass in a theme component.

On most pages this is working fine, but in some topics the property is not added to the user model when the page is reloaded. I cannot find why it is working on most topics, but not working on some, or what the topics where it is not working have in common.

Does anyone understand what I am doing wrong here?

TL;DR Adding api.container.lookup for the model, below the modifyClass, works around this issue.

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Oh my word. I might know!

I think that you need to add a pluginId

     <script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.1">
    api.modifyClass('model:user', {
      pluginId: 'my-plugin', 
      testProperty: function() {
        return 1;

It’s required on later versions, I actually submitted PRs for a couple themes yesterday to add this. I might be turning into a plugin/theme developer at long last


Thank you Jay! That actually made a difference on my test instance.
But unfortunately it is not a fix-all golden bullet, the problem is still there :frowning:

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Yeah the pluginId is there to prevent modifications being applied twice, I believe. Lack of it should not explain why it hasn’t run once?

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Darn. Just when I thought I knew something. :crying_cat_face:

I thought perhaps if something else was modifying the class then it might be a race condition to see which one did it. But javascript is still mostly a mystery to me.


It’s still an issue with the code, so reasonable to bring up.

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Yes, that crossed my mind as well. But this still fails on a test site with this as the only theme component.

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Out of interest, if you add this into a Theme Component in say:

  • /javascripts/discourse/initializers/test-init.js.es6

instead, does the behaviour change/improve?

I’m not sure if these things are semantically identical …

… theoretically both should be evaluated when the browser refreshes, after which point a race condition should be moot on route transition as the modification should already have been applied …

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Nope, same behavior.

I made a theme component with javascripts/discourse-test/initializers/initialize-discourse-test.js.es6:

import { withPluginApi } from "discourse/lib/plugin-api";

export default {
  name: 'discourse-test-initializer',
    withPluginApi("0.1", api => {

      api.modifyClass('model:user', {
        pluginId: 'test',
        testFunction: function() {
          return 2;




on every page.

On some topics entering Discourse.currentUser.testFunction() in the console works and yields here3 and 2 as output.

On some topics it does not (Uncaught TypeError: Discourse.currentUser.testFunction is not a function)


Ok, I saw a notification from a helpful post that apparently has been removed in the meanwhile.
The suggestion did not work but it did contain a clue that helped me resolve this.

Adding the following snippet below the non-working code consistently resolved the issues I was having. I have tested this on multiple independent forums, both on stable and on tests-passed. I think this should be reclassified as bug

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.1">
const userModel = api.container.lookup("model:user");

@Johani thank you for your help!


Reclassifying this as bug.

I have added a console.log in the plugin API code app/assets/javascripts/discourse/app/lib/plugin-api.js so it logs whenever modifyClass is being called.

I have removed all external plugins to make sure there was not a conflict somewhere.


  • create an empty forum on stable (so no Ember CLI). This is not working on tests-passed (without Ember CLI) either. I did not test this with Ember CLI.

  • add a theme component with this in Common - Head

#1 Working

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.1">
    api.modifyClass('model:user', {
      pluginId: 'test-tc',
      testFunction: function() {
        return 1;
  • load the home page

  • console shows modifyClass called for model:user _application-08d9058ddd37ba80992f770509f4919ad0738a17f14fb85167b1dc1f32f8b56e.js:23490:16 Object { pluginId: "test-tc", testFunction: testFunction() }

  • enter Discourse.currentUser.testFunction() in console

  • “1” is printed

#2 Failing

  • Go to a topic, for instance ‘Welcome to Discourse’ and reload the page
  • console shows the same “modifyClass called” logs
  • enter Discourse.currentUser.testFunction() in console
  • Uncaught TypeError: Discourse.currentUser.testFunction is not a function is printed

#3 Failing with warning

  • Append a single line to top of the theme component so it looks like this:
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.1">
    const userModel = api.container.lookup("model:user");

    api.modifyClass('model:user', {
      pluginId: 'test-tc',
      testFunction: function() {
        return 1;

  • Go to a topic, for instance ‘Welcome to Discourse’ and reload the page
  • console shows the same “modifyClass called” logs
  • console shows a warning "model:user" was already cached in the container. Changes won't be applied.
  • enter Discourse.currentUser.testFunction() in console
  • Uncaught TypeError: Discourse.currentUser.testFunction is not a function is printed

#4 Working

  • Move the lookup line to bottom of the theme component so it looks like this:
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.1">
    api.modifyClass('model:user', {
      pluginId: 'test-tc',
      testFunction: function() {
        return 1;

    const userModel = api.container.lookup("model:user");
  • Go to a topic, for instance ‘Welcome to Discourse’ and reload the page
  • console shows the same “modifyClass called” logs
  • enter Discourse.currentUser.testFunction() in console
  • “1” is printed :partying_face:

Revisiting this:

On Discourse 2.8 and up, using Discourse.User.current().testFunction() , case #2 is still failing.

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I’m having an issue with modifyClass too, not sure if it is related?: Issues overriding getters in a controller

I’ve just improved our warning for this kind of situation:

and also written up this documentation which explains the cause and how to resolve it:

I think that should take care of all the concerns in this topic. If not, please share some example failing code and I’ll take a look.


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