Arrive at topic does not allow searching for topics from restricted categories when creating an invite

So, I’m creating a new invite link, and I’m adding to group secret that has access to category Secret. Now, I cannot choose a topic from Secret category in the Arrive at topic dropdown, even though logically I should be able to do so.

I’ve given this a test-run and it appears the ‘private’ topics don’t show up in the invite topic search whether you have the group set or not. It’s a little similar to this topic Category (Search Priority Ignore) globally affect searches, though in this case the category hasn’t been marked as ‘ignore’. However, the workaround is similar:

The repro:

  • Create Private group
  • Create Private Category, with permissions for See|Reply|Create set for Private group only
  • Create Private topic in Private category
  • Create admin invite:
    • Paste Private Topic link into ‘Arrive at topic’
    • Select ‘Private’ group for ‘Add to groups’
    • Save invite
  • Use invite with existing test user - user follows link and is added to the Private group, and lands on the correct topic

So I just have to put the URL of the topic in the dropdown list manually. Okay this worked, thanks.

Still, I suggest this topic remains open as it’s something that can be improved/fixed.


I think it would be more intuitive to have the topics come up in the search too. It may be more suited to ux than bug as it perhaps can’t be considered ‘broken’, but I’ll let someone else make the call on that one. :slight_smile:

And, just as an added bonus workaround, you can also get the ‘Arrive at topic’ prepopulated by using the :link: Share button at the bottom of the private topic and accessing the invites from there. :+1:

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