There is nothing “top secret” here 
There is this theme which is very similar:
And, the tool we use has the following script:
let terms;
let API_KEY = "...";
const categories = {
61: "theme",
6: "support",
148: "data & reporting",
164: "Documentation > Hosted Customers",
177: "Community wiki",
31: "installation",
10: "Documentation",
22: "plugin",
1: "bug",
106: "migration",
120: "theme-component",
105: "community support program",
124: "General",
157: "site feedback > forum summaries",
152: "site feedback > theme feedback",
168: "Documentation > Contributing",
30: "releases",
126: "Documentation > Using Discourse",
2: "feature",
63: "praise > comparison",
9: "ux",
27: "dev > translations",
24: "sso",
3: "site feedback",
17: "Uncategorized",
14: "marketplace",
21: "support > wordpress",
13: "announcements > blog",
53: "Documentation > Site Management",
5: "plugin > extras",
65: "community",
8: "installation > hosting",
35: "praise",
67: "announcements",
178: "Community wiki > Administrators",
167: "Documentation > Integrations",
55: "Documentation > Self-Hosting",
169: "Documentation > Migrating to Discourse",
56: "Documentation > Developer Guides",
7: "dev",
179: "Community wiki > Developers",
181: "Community wiki > Users",
180: "Community wiki > Sysadmins"
function search(terms) {
const encoded = encodeURIComponent(terms);
const searchUrl = "";
result = http.get(`${searchUrl}${encoded}`, {'Api-Key': API_KEY });
return processResults(JSON.parse(result.body));
function invoke(p) {
if (!p.question) {
terms = "No search performed!"
return "You must supply the question parameter";
terms = p.question;
let results = search(terms + " #documentation");
let otherResults = search(terms);
let topicIds = {};
results.forEach(topic => { topicIds[topic.topic_id] = topic });
otherResults.forEach(topic => {
if (topicIds[topic.topic_id]) {
if (results.length > 15) {
if (results.length === 0) {
return "No results found!"
} else {
return results;
function processResults(json) {
if (!json.topics) {
return [];
const postData = {};
json.posts.forEach( p => {
postData[p.topic_id] = p;
// todo meta category map
return => {
let result = {};
let post = postData[];
result.url = `/t/${t.slug}/${}`;
result.title = t.title;
result.blurb = post.blurb;
result.tags = t.tags;
result.topic_id =;
result.category = categories[t.category_id];
return result;
function details() {
return "Searching for: " + terms
The read tool uses:
let topicId;
let url = "";
const API_KEY = "...";
let title = "Unknown topic";
function invoke(p) {
topicId = p.topicId;
let jsonUrl = `${p.topic_id}.json?include_raw=true`;
result = http.get(jsonUrl, { 'Api-Key' : API_KEY });
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(result.body);
url = `${parsed.slug}/${}`;
title = parsed.title;
let raw = post => {
let solution = "";
if (post.is_solution) {
solution = "(solution)";
return `post #${post.post_number}:${solution}\n${post.raw}`;
return llm.truncate(raw, 10000);
} catch {
return "Something went wrong, topic not found!"
function details() {
return `Read: <a href='${url}'>${title}</a>`;