Automatic flair mapping

Desired outcome: User A is a Detroit Lions fan, Chicago Cubs fan, and Michigan Wolverines fan, and belongs to each of those respective Groups (and each group provides a flair). But when User A leaves a comment in the MLB Category, the Chicago Cubs flair (see: MLB) must surface for context.

Proposed solution (open to alternatives, this seems like the least likely resource drain but I could be wrong): Automatic flair mapping

  • How It Works: Automatically selects the flair based on the category and user’s group memberships.
  • Resource Usage, given I have an active forum (my guess, could be wrong):
    • Moderate backend resource requirements for mapping flairs to categories during each comment request.
    • Caching mappings per user or per category can reduce the load.
  • Scalability:
    • Seems sustainable with caching layers, as the mapping logic doesn’t change often.
  • Implementation on Discourse:
    • Plugin? Server-side customization?

When do you need it done?

In the next 30-90 days?

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

This is negotiable. I have budget and a full-time job in tech (and aware of reality), so I can compensate fairly.


We can build this, contacting you!


I am interested in taking this up, sending you a PM


It would be cool if this becomes a plugin.

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