Automatic Group Flair for Trust Levels not showing on user avatars

Hi Neil,

I am so much waiting this feature. Thank you for making it! :slight_smile:

I have a problem with set up the trust level flairs which is maybe a bug. I don’t know is it relevant or not. Our forum is Hungarian language and the trust_levels also translated. I can upload and set up the flair but it is not appear on the users profile avatar only on the /g page. But I can set the admins, moderators and staff groups flair without any problem.

We use the Trust Level Avatar Flair component but i disable it when try to set up.

One more thing if i check the inspect element on any avatar it show an empty background-image: url() with an avatar-flair-undefined class.

Thank you! :slight_smile:


Thanks for trying it @Don. I can’t reproduce that problem. If you reload the page and visit the group settings again, do you see the uploaded image for the group? The error your screenshot shows suggests that it’s null. I don’t think it’s relevant that you’re using Hungarian and that you customized the trust levels text.

Also maybe you need to uninstall the theme component.


Hi Neil,
Thank you for your answer.
I made a video from trust_level_4 group. I set up the flair image and go to member. Finally reload the page.

Yes the uploaded image still there but not showing on users avatar.

Little bit later i will try with uninstalled component and i will update this post.
Thank you! :slight_smile:

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I notice in your video that the user has a shield :shield: beside their name, so they also belong to one of the staff groups. It could be a problem with one of those groups.

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I see but i didn’t set flair to staff or any other named group. But if i try for example in other trust level group we have the same result. Every member has an empty avatar flair. I deleted the component but unfortunately the same. :confused: I will check the other components also. Maybe some conflict cause this.

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