I am struggling to find out how to change trust_user levels for flairs

I am brand new here, I hope I am posting this in the right section. I have only been messing around with the forum software for a week or so but I am struggling with a few things… This being one of them.

flair text

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to change these to match the group names. I changed it under site texts but this is one of the areas it is not updating in. What am I doing wrong here?

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I tried running Jobs::EnsureDbConsistency as mentioned in other threads to force an update to these names but it still has not fixed it.

Try installing this theme-component

It adds option to have trust levels flair.


I did end up getting it to work. I just had to use “_” in the titles and run that job after each one and now they are all updated.

If it reverts or I have an issue again I will give this a try. Thanks!

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