Automatic Schedule for Banner posts?

Hi, guys, how are you? Saludos de Argentina :grinning:

I wanted to know if there’s any way I could schedule the banner posts.

More specifically, I’d like to schedule 365 posts and have them displayed one per day.

My idea is that every day, the users of my forum, can see something different (in my case, short motivational phrases, since that’s what the forum is about)

If anyone could point out to me what I should look for or read to achieve this, I would appreciate it.

Thank you very much!

PS: I searched and read several banner topics posts but did not find a specific solution to achieve this other than do it manually.
PS2: Sorry for bad English :zipper_mouth_face:


That’s because unfortunately it isn’t a feature at the moment. Seems like a neat idea.

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I’d love to be able to do this, too. Not that I have the foresight to plan 365 posts in advance :astonished:, but I do have some banner-worthy topics that coincide with some much-needed time off, and it would sure be nice if they could be scheduled.

Your English is fabulous. I wish I were as fluent in my second language.


This would help us a great deal as we post regular global banners to our community over the course of the month about product maintenance windows, live events etc…

We use our official channels but also like to meet community members where they are, so being able to schedule a global banner (for a specific period of time) would great reduce the overhead required to manually publish and unpublish.

I’m going to bump this back up to say I would love to have this feature too!

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