Add timer to banner topics

When you pin a topic, either globally or in a category, you have the option to set a timer on it so that it will unpin. I use banner topics a LOT… and often forget which one is which and have to go hunting when I want to remove it (it’s usually for something time-sensitive.)

I would love for the same timer settings available on the other pin options to be available for bannering a topic!



I know one can set a time frame for pinned topics but is there any option I am missing to set a time frame on a banner?

We often use it to announce sales, but would like it to go away as soon as the sale is over so someone does not need to be up at midnight to remove it.

(I didn’t know this was voting category. mods please move if there is a more appropriate area)


They added voting to this Category so that other members can cast votes on feature requests to help the team have another layer to know how much interest in the feature request.

As to you inquiry it is possible the automation plugin that is included in core maybe able to accomplish what your looking for.

But may need to post in Marketplace depending on ones SQL? Programming query to accomplish this awesome idea.


I think there is already a similar feature request


Hi @emilio :dizzy:
I learned this from you now: “set a time period for pinned topics”. :smiley: That’s cool. thanks. I hope there is an option to “set a time period on a banner”, because it is a very useful thing.

Take a look.

Me too :wink:

Thanks all. I will try out the Automation you mentioned @Heliosurge


I merge the newer topic into this existing topic you pointed out given the heavy overlap.


If you need a timed banner, this banner theme component has quite a few options, is customizable, and also has timer / banner expiring function. I especially like this one because it has options to use a variety of plugin outlets, and a multiple banner carousel function.


Thanks Lilly will need to take a deeper look at this component.