Automatically watching a topic that I did not create or choose to watch

^ So this is what the Watching symbol is supposed to say:

However, I found this weird topic. Discourse thinks I am watching this topic because I created it, but this is not my topic. I did not create this, yet Discourse decideds to watch it.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

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Potentially it’s happening because of the automatic tracking due to time spent on a topic (configured via Preferences->Tracking->Topics->Automatically track topics I enter - in particular: if you had it disabled previously, I think it somehow got reset with one of the latest updates).

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But then you are “tracking” and not “watching” the topic :thinking:

I can imagine you are watching a topic because you accidentially hit the keyboard shortcut m,w. But then you should still not be watching because you created the topic.

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Ah, yes! Mixed that up.


I kept having this issue…


Did you split the topic out from another one? I’ve found that this sets the new topic to Watching for me with the reason ‘you created it’.

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