Install Discourse for development using Docker

I tried this today, and also ran into issues. The error I saw was because Docker’s architecture emulation doesn’t support inotify (which we use a lot in Discourse development). For now, I’ve added a warning to d/boot_dev when a non-x86_64 architecture is detected:

❯ d/boot_dev 
WARNING: Docker architecture is not x86_64.
Discourse development is unlikely to work using Docker's architecture emulation.
Please try a native development installation.

I’ve now added a d/ember-cli helper, and forwarded port 4200 by default. The info at the top of this topis has also been updated. Once you’ve updated, run d/rails s in one terminal, and d/ember-cli in another. I’ve also set NO_EMBER_CLI as one of the variables which is passed through to Docker, so that is available if needed.