Best Practices for Open Graph setup with a new community?

I just installed a fresh instance of Discourse and wanted to know if there is a detailed help topic or guide that outlines the importance of having an open graph image url added to settings. Would also be nice to have some suggestions on how to optimize images used for Open Graph posts. I read a thread that mentioned that there was something broken at some point.

So when I share a general site link does it revert to the image url I upload into my admin settings?

When I share a URL or permalink to a post or reply, will open graph be grabbing the first image that is shared at the top of the thread? If no image is added to any post or replies, will open graph grab the url I addedin the admin settings?

In the Admin settings, there are some optimal dimensions suggested next to certain fields (as highlighted in the image below). Are there similar suggested dimensions that should be used for an image you designate for open graph?

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Good point, copy could be better there. I changed it to

Default opengraph image, used when the page has no other suitable image or site logo.

Does that seem ok @techAPJ?


That looks much better! Thanks for making the changes.

@jord8on I clarified some opengraph related questions you have here:

As per Open Graph protocol there is no recommended image size. But you can read Facebook Best Practices here.


That was super helpful to get more context about OpenGraph! Thanks @techAPJ

I also found this post which was helpful for some of our use cases: Ideal Open Graph Image Meta Tag Size (og:image) For Facebook & Reddit Sharing - H3XED

Good call on the verbiage clarification in the settings @codinghorror. Thanks!


My forum use the latest discourse version. And It not get the first image as OpenGraph Image.

How can I fix this problem?