Black thumbnails appearing on vertical videos

Fix works but not for vertical videos

Black Thumnails issue

Can you elaborate on this? Do you have an example where this has happened, or can you upload an example here?

Also, this is a very curt way of communicating. If you could please take the time to properly phrase your requests in a more polite manner it would be most appreciated. :pray:


post edited, please unlock/open the old topic and merge the 1st reply.

I think this is a slightly different issue than what was covered in the other topic. Let’s slip this over to ux for consideration. :+1:


This post also contains a vertical video and shows a preview Usercard cloak not dissappears on touchstart
I think your video is black at the beginning, so the preview is black

The other video, where the preview works, isn’t black at the beginning


Yes the thumbnail should not need to be Exactly 1st second of a video, but also can be selected randomly at middle if the thumbnail maker detects video is Black at the beginning of video.

I’m moving this back to support as it seems like it is indeed working as expected. :+1:

If you want to select a different image to be the thumbnail, I believe it’s possible using this theme component - Insert Video


Currently video icon(Insert video) does not appear on brave community

So Are you saying-> Installing insert video component will show insert video icon and i can use it to upload custom thumbnails ?

If yes, can you also tell me is there a way to create animated GIFs for video like the ones created on Loom Videos ?

Is there any Separate component available for that aswell ?

Also i noticed this issue earlier but did not take the time to Report here earlier as i rarely use smartphones(Loom video Gif won’t appear in discouse powered communities on phones)

Since i am only using PC + Smart TV 99% of the time, i am only interested in improving community experience on PC, if discourse team fixes Loom GIF to be working on mobile devices its good(Not necessarily needed for me)

My Request here is It would be cool to have animated GIF Support for videos Like the ones which you see on Loom Videos instead of being static image, Also Can i know how Long it will take for the theme component to be installed and the time it will take for me to see the video icon on the brave community(after the component gets installed by Brave Community Admin)?

What do you mean? They seem to currently work just fine on mobile.

Video will play but the Animated Gif wasn’t working on the brave browser in smartphone’s Desktop mode while i checked it Last time, I havent tested it recently but if its working for you maybe the Loom team have fixed it…

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