Weird...videos changed in my topic

Continuing the discussion from New Chrome bug related with keyboard and navigation bar on android:

Hello :wave:

The videos in the OP I am pretty sure not mine. I uploaded videos about the issue what I recorded from Meta which was on mobile. Now it seems videos changed to these. I think these are probably Dax’s videos from UI Path forum.

I can’t play these videos. It’s not a big deal I just thought it worth to report. I thought that also it maybe only the thumbnails changed… But unfortunately I can’t play these to find out…

I didn’t notice this on other site so put it to site feedback.

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


That is a weird one. :thinking: Not sure what’s going on there.

Let me see what I can find out.


Small update - after being completely stumped about how to even start working out what dark magic was at play here I took it to the clever people. :slight_smile:

It seems that the videos in the post are missing for some reason and have data-video-src="/404" in the cooked version. This then goes and looks up the thumbnail file for ‘404` and finds this rando image to use.

Still not sure what happened to the videos in the first place, but I think this has given a hint as to how to handle the situation better if it happens again. :crossed_fingers:


This PR will prevent thumbnails from being mapped to videos that have a missing video source.

I went ahead and rebaked the post you linked to with the incorrect thumbnails and they now just show the default empty ones since none exist.


This is pretty bad what’s the problem with these videos. :confused: Every video has the same thumbnail I mentioned on the OP. But how these videos missing? It maybe something with secure uploads… Never mind.

Missing videos on these topics too, that I noticed until now:

Yeah, I think this topic is related: Missing images at