Blog Post Styling

Update :tada:

If you can believe it :sweat_smile:

I have started refactoring/cleaning up the component to use the plugin-style file structure and make use of the new topic thumbnails.

I’ve added a couple new features as well:

  • New settings
    • image_display_style - there are two options with this. The default should be the behavior the component has had all along. The alternative will ensure there is no cropping and the full image is displayed. It’s hard to say which one is “better” so you’ll want to do some experimentation and see what works best for your workflow and blog images.

    • mobile_enabled - this is a first pass on the mobile blog post style. I’m interested to hear any bug reports or ideas for improvements on this!

I still want to continue refactoring and cleaning up the code, but this should be a good start.

No plans at this point, I’m afraid!