Build Poll not showing under Post Settings

Build Polls does not show under Topic settings, please see below.

I have tried for both an admin and a moderator, same problem.

Please see attached images. I must get a line drawn under settings when I click on it.

Is there something I have set incorrectly in the admin settings or is there something else I need to do to fix this ?

Many thanks for your assistance.

Looks like the menu is broken. That happened to others recently too. Can you check your browser console (right-click on the page → inspect → Console tab)? I guess you will see something like

I noticed you have the canned replies plugin still installed. It is deprecated and breaks that dropdown. Does it work again when you disable the canned replies plugin?


Thank you so much for your reply.

I got something like you showed when I right-clicked the inspect - console tab.

Disabling the Canned Replies plugin appears to have resolved the problem.

Greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for the advice.


This plugin is deprecated in favor of Discourse Templates.

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