Calendar and Event Plugin: recurring event option: [n]th [week]day of the month

Currently when creating a recurring event in the Calendar and Events plugin it’s not possible to have an event that repeats on (for example) the first Tuesday of every month. This is a standard recurrence pattern in most common scheduling and calendar apps so it seems like a strange omission from Discourse.

This is a feature that has been requested in numerous other topics and posts, so there’s apparently demand for it. For instance


I’m not very familiar with the calendar plugin, but I did a quick test. Does selecting the date+day of the first occurrence of the event and then selecting this option not work?

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Sorry for the slow reply @rishabh. Unfortunately “Every four weeks at this weekday” is different to the feature I and others would like to see< namely the “Fourth [weekday] of every month”. Sometimes that will mean an interval between meetings of 4 weeks or 5 just depending on the calendar. E.g. scheduling an Exec meeting that always falls on the 4th Tuesday of a month.

This is a pretty ubiquitous calendar feature on most platforms, and something that my users miss when working with claendar and event in Discourse. They understandably give some heat when having to set up 12 individual meetings a year on the 4th Tuesday of the month rather than one repeating event.