Can Discourse migrate what is already in in locally when it is connected to S3 storage?

Discourse’s backup is a zip archive

After unzipping one is the database and the other is the upload files (uploads)

When using S3 storage, this Uploads will not appear in the backup file, but will be stored in the object storage.

Each backup only backs up the database, unless some setting option is turned on to allow backups of S3 stored Uploads

Question time

May I ask if I have used local storage for a while at this point, the Uploads inside the backup file are already huge*

Can I manually overwrite >>>>>>>> with the Uploads from the backup file to the Uploads in the S3 storage?

Do they display properly for image files that were originally already referenced in the topic?

(Discourse is differentiated by random names for how images are stored, e.g. upload://ob9K7RhMbch2b2oTnJNi0bYCNPi.png)











要把本地存储的内容迁移到S3,最简单的方法是执行迁移脚本rake uploads:migrate_to_s3

The frontend retrieves images based on the cooked content, meaning that if you only copy the files to S3, the browser will still attempt to fetch images from the local storage URLs.

The simplest way to migrate content from local storage to S3 is to run the migration script rake uploads:migrate_to_s3.


What is rake uploads:migrate_to_s3?

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