Can someone tell me more about their Discourse experience?

I use Discord daily for work (team chatting) and am in dozens of communities. As I am in many Discourse communities and manage a few.

i just add a few lines to @tvavrda perfect comment.

First: the ownership of the content.
Discourse is open-source and all content are basically markdown text files (we can export / import it very easily with API / plugins… you can easily see the md version of this topic by changing the url like )
I want my content to be with me for the rest of my life and beyond.
There is a good post here: The importance of data ownership for community leaders

Discord is a private company and closed source.
Discourse let you manage your content / people on their hosting or move to your own (even locally) and migrate to/from any other platform with a simple python script

i want to use a regular web browser and want all the features of OS to consume the content (i want a full screen reader? one click. better mobile experience? done.

Share content everywhere:
what i really love in Discourse are the t/my-title/123 urls. any content can change it’s url whenever. we can move it anytime everywhere, and links don’t break because they rely on the 123 id.
For people managing tons of content it is a dream (and we have readable urls)
Since it’s web, we can share everything in any social platform, with perfect embedding / preview.

** i could go on…*** :slight_smile: