Can you use Discourse for Building a Help Section?

Hello Everyone,

I am planning to build a Support HELP or FAQ for my app. I was considering using NodeBB or Discourse and was wondering if I can just use it to build a help section. At the start, I dont want any user discussion and just use it as help support. I dont have time to moderate the content for liability. Later I wish to build a discussion and topic for community building. Would appreciate any feedback.

Thank you

Yes this is possible. @hawk can community team elaborate on this, point to a blog post, or howto topic?


Hey there,
We use Discourse as knowledge base. Check out our #howto category at howto - Discourse Meta. We allow discussion, but you could easily use category security to restrict it to read-only for general users. Then when you’re ready, you could remove that restriction very easily.

I elaborate on this a bit more in the last section of this blog post. How Does Team Discourse Use Discourse?

Do you think that would suit your purpose?


Thank you @Hawk and @codinghorror. I think this can fit our use case pretty nicely.