Cannot Choose Solution on Some Topics

I am a moderator on the 000webhost forum (which of course, runs Discourse).

The issue is that on maybe half of the topics, I cannot choose the solution. It doesn’t matter if it is a topic I created, or someone else’s that I answered. Whether I replied or not, the icon to choose a solution only appears on one for every two topics. Is this my error, or a site setting (I can always ask an admin to change it if it’s the latter)?

The icon is hidden between the ... if you are a moderator and the question is not your question.

I don’t know what you have configured, but you can either enable solved on all categories OR you have to enable it per category in the category settings.


Yes I know that it is hidden under ... on topics that are not my own.

I checked, and it is category specific because I can choose it on one category but not the others. Most categories are staff-only so I guess we don’t use solutions much, but there are a few categories that are open to public posting, so I suppose we will need to alter the settings. Thanks!