Cannot comment or reply with "basic" badge

I signed up to a new comunity that uses discourse, but i am not able to reply to posts or to make new topics. When i signed up i received a message that said that my account is on hold. But then i received a badge saying that now i have access to all essential functionalities on the forum, but the UI button for new topic is still hidden and i can’t reply to any posts either.

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The latter is unrelated to the former.

The message about having access to all essential features pertains to you reaching Trust Level 1. You need your account to be approved manually by staff, which has not yet happened.


That does seem like a confusing user experience. I wonder if that’s partly due to the settings on that particular forum? I think if your account is on auto-hold as a TL0 new user then that would normally delay being promoted to TL1 (due to not being able to post yet).