Cannot read property 'jqXHR' of undefined

I just did a minor change in the privacy policy but when I submitted the edit, it would not complete saving (the saving wheel kept spinning and spinning). While I was waiting, I went to the TOS (in a new browser tab) to do a change there too. After saving that edit without problems, I went back to the privacy policy, but the wheel was still spinning. So I went ahead and tried to edit the post again (in the same browser tab). Ironically, I found that the change was already made but I wasn’t sure whether it was really saved or whether I was just looking at the same unsaved editor content. So I clicked save to make sure it is saved. That’s when this error popped up.

Can you repro this @techapj?

I am unable to repro this error on latest Discourse version.

For what it’s worth, I just had this same issue with a recent Discourse version (commit c10941b, basically the stable branch from 2019-02-17, not a release).

I was able to reproduce it a few times, but then not anymore, and it’s the first time ever that I had this issue. So very much an edge case …

What happened:

  1. I did a major update to a complex wiki post (which is a Discourse manual we wrote for our purposes).

  2. As experienced by the OP, Discourse would not complete saving (the saving wheel kept spinning and spinning). I eventually cancelled the process.

  3. I tried to make the very same edit again, and this error popped up:

    TypeError: Cannot read property ‘jqXHR’ of undefined

    That was reproducible for several further attempts to make the same edit in this post.

  4. I tried to make an edit to a different post, and that went without problems. I tried to post the same edit that failed for the manual wiki as edit to the different post, and that worked without problems, too (so it does not seem to be connected to the posted content).

  5. I tried a small (few words) edit to the manual wiki where the original edit failed. That worked, but it took a long time (about two minutes).

  6. I tried the failed edit again on the manual wiki, and this time it worked. And all subsequent edits worked, too.

I found the following error log entries for the time and post where this issue happened:

(Edit: upon further inspection, that error in the logs seems rather unrelated as the log shows it also in multiple other cases, which did not involve the “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘jqXHR’ of undefined” error message on the client side. But I saved the JS file where the error happened, if somebody wants to look at it.)

Message (5 copies reported)
Uncaught Error: Not Found
Line: 14
Column: 25883
Window Location:
Error: Not Found
    at s (
    at o (
    at i (
    at Object.trigger (
    at e.invoke (
    at e.flush (
    at e.flush (
    at e._end (
    at e.end (
    at e._run (
    at (
    at a (
    at Object.r.error (
    at u (
    at Object.fireWith [as rejectWith] (
    at n (
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (

    process_id	27682
    application_version	2.2.1
    REQUEST_URI	/logs/report_js_error
    HTTP_USER_AGENT	Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/73.0.3683.75 Chrome/73.0.3683.75 Safari/537.36
        message	Uncaught Error: Not Found Url:
        line	14
        column	25883
        stacktrace	Error: Not Found at s (

Sorry @tanius Akismet thought your post was spam for some reason and deleted it, I just went ahead and undeleted it.

@techAPJ can you re-test given this info?


Is this issue persisting?

“Cannot read field jqXHR” is coming from our custom error handling code around failed AJAX calls.


No, not persisting … haven’t seen the error in the last year. But it was very much an edge case to begin with, and not clearly reproducible, so I’d not take this as proof of absence now …

BTW, there is one other part of failed post-saving that could be improved. Namely, when saving a post or post edit fails due to network error, it takes a super long time before the system tells that. I’m missing a way to resubmit that request. The “Cancel” button does not help here, as it would lead to losing ones post or post edit content.

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We need repro to do anything. Have you messed with the network tab in Chrome to switch to an artificially unreliable network? That might work for a repro?

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This error showed for me when I was doing the following.
All done in a plugin.

I was adding a Validator to the Post class… the content of it does not matter but i will put it for the sake of the reply.

frozen_string_literal: true

class MainPostValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
def validate(record)
puts ‘TTTTT’
p record

raw = record.raw

unless raw.present?
  post.errors.add :base, 'This record is invalid'


def some_complex_logic
# …

Before running the server with the new changes, I had the website opened on editing a post, ready to check if the save changes triggers my validator.

I restarted the server but did not refresh the page! When I tapped save changes on the post. I saw that error. It disappeared once i refreshed the page, and maybe restarted the server instance also.

This was all done in local dev.

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

The validator was declared in a new file, and also the Post extra code to apply the validator was in a new file as well.

require_dependency 'post' Post.class_eval { include ActiveModel::Validations validates_with MainPostValidator }

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