Hi, is this icon only available on mobile? Thanks.
No, it appears normally on mobile. Does it appear if you use the safe mode? Has your account the right permissions (moderator or admin)?
It does not appear on PC when using safe mode either. Can you confirm it should ?(or not)
I can only see this icon when I perform a search (which is fine I found out). Not when I view a post listing in non search mode.
Are you sure you don’t see the icon in safe mode, like this URL: https://dessein-tech.com/c/autocad/9?safe_mode=no_themes?
It seems that Topic List Previews with the tites format removes the headers, including the bulk-select (it’s part of the title header).
However, I did some tests with CSS adjustments here and there (assuming the title header is not removed); it’s possible to support the bulk.
I don’t know if you’re okay with it, but based on my tests, you can support it if you do something like that.
api.registerValueTransformer("topic-list-columns", ({ value: columns }) => {
if (topicListPreviewsService.displayTiles) {
return columns;
If you remove ItemTopicCell here:
<div class="topic-details">
<!--ItemTopicCell @topic={{@topic}} /-->
<PreviewsExcerpt @topic={{@topic}} />
<PreviewsFooter @topic={{@topic}} />
You do have the same display.
Then, a few CSS adjustments are needed to hide the topic header label and ensure the header is displayed as a block. What do you think?
Yes now I see it, may be I was using the wrong URL for safe mode ?