Cant disable read-only mode

I enabled read-only mode on my forums and im not able to disable it.

I cant disable read-only mode via the /admin/backups because i cant login.

entering the docker image and disabling it via rails does not work either.

rails c

entering the docker image and running

discourse disable_readonly

does not work either.

Anything im missing?

sorry if the bug category is not the correct category. I think this might be a bug

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It depends on how you trigger readonly mode.

There is a list of keys that you can pass to Postgres depending on how you trigger it



This command in rails did the trick



I have the same issue in the latest discourse version.

  1. from inside the web_only container
root@forum:/var/www/discourse# discourse disable_readonly
The site is now fully operable.
  1. ./launcher enter web_only

  2. after that, I still have the “read only” banner on the main page.

So, the issue is not solved yet …

… ok, I could solve this now with the rails c commandline info.
But anyway, this should be improved: for example there could be a special login url with a token to allow admin operations from the UX even in readyonly mode.

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