Trying to upload PDF’s I have followed all the posts here on how to do it and nothing works - always blocked even if smaller than limit size set. I have added ‘pdf’ to the allowed file suffixes list. Consequently created an AWS Free Tier S3 account and a backet. Nothing uploads to S3, not even images.
I appear to be hopelessly lost. Any pointers as to why using S3 with proper access keys wont work?
So I spent the time learning the details of Amazon S3, Cloudfront and so on. I am happy to report it uploads great!
But still totally unable to upload any PDF. I can’t quite see how this could be S3 related given that other files work fine - but I may be wrong.
No matter what size I set for file uploads and no matter what size a PDF is, I can’t upload them. I always get:
Sorry, that file is too big (maximum size is 40 MB). Why not upload your large file to a cloud sharing service, then paste the link?
I followed the instructions for how to increase file upload size but no size PDF will upload, includng sizes well below the limit. I am on the absolutely most update commit set of Discourse.
Finally figured it out at last. I had to add client_max_body_size in the nginx reverse proxy server for discourse. In hindsight this is obvious, but it takes time to see sometimes!