Category Background images retain after being deleted

How to Repo

  1. Insert a category background image (possibile more than 1000px in size)
  2. Save.
  3. Ctrl + F5
  4. Go to the category you added the image and delete it, Click Save. Ctrl + F5 . The background image is still there!

Can you repro this @techapj?


I had to do “hard refresh” to clear category background image (after deleting category image)… Looking more into it.


I sent a PR to fix this issue:

I will let @zogstrip review the PR since he is familiar with this code. :slightly_smiling:

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Hmm, I actually can’t reproduce this issue. I just tried on try and it worked just fine.

Yes, I am not able to repro this on try too. But I can repro this consistently on my local dev instance… :confused:

Weird, I can’t even repro this on a regular DO hosted instance.

@Alankrit_Choudh on which instance are you getting this issue? And are you able to repro this consistently?

Well, it lasted for a while, is it possible that this could be happening via Cache from Cloudflare? Happened only once as of now. After that didn’t take the risk of following it on a live production.
I have my instance on DO -

Edit i removed the backgrounds from the category. After that, i have not attempted this repro.