Category Background Won't Work Right

EDIT: I saw this got moved to Support, My mistake I didn’t mean to miscategorize it.

So I’ve tried a few different things but the category background won’t work for me anymore.

Surprisingly that is will sometimes display for a microsecond then the UI of the discourse covers the whole image almost like it’s under everything?

It’s rare but I do see this happen from time to time.

I have tried removing any custom CSS to see if this was causing it even tried microsoft edge etc. It has me puzzled.


I made sure it’s loading and it does load but for some reason bumps under the content.

Still stumped on how to tackle and fix this issue.

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Hmm looks like a possible bug in Discourse, I tried to set a background image for a category on our trial site… sports - Demo and it doesn’t load there either. The image is saved in the setting, but not added to the page. I’ll investigate some more.


Thanks a bunch, If you need any details from my end let me know and i’ll try to post it.


Eeek we should get this fixed tomorrow-ish @eviltrout


It looks like this is the result of our slug format changing and background images only working with the old format. As of this commit it supports both:


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