Category banner image slow to load

I used this CSS but the images take 3 seconds to upload (the image size is 240k)
Any suggestions?


Ho Noam, sorry for the late reply, I’m reviewing the main category-banners topic and there are some unanswered questions I’m moving to dedicated topics :slight_smile:

Did you figure out the issue in the end?


Nop, the first upload still taken 3 sec

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hmmm :thinking:

have you tried loading the image as an asset by uploading to a theme (or theme component) and using a variable like so?

.category-title-header {
  &.category-banner-example-category {
        background: url($example);
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Yep, this is the code from our side:

.category-title-header.category-banner-show-and-tell {background-size: cover !important; background: url(; }

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There’s nothing inherent to adding a background image like this that should make it slow, so it’s hard to say. Are other images loading slowly at all?

The image could be optimized a little more to reduce the file size, it doesn’t seem to have any transparency, so a JPG could be smaller than a PNG. You can also further optimize it using a tool like ImageOptim (Mac) or a web-based tool like TinyPNG.


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